A continuation from last week...

Here's how to secure the sale!

Welcome to High On Marketing - A weekly newsletter where I show you how to strengthen your email marketing strategy for your cannabis brand. Learn how to nurture your audience, increase retention rates, and sell more weed.

Today’s Email:

  • How to Create a Sales Funnel for Your Canna Brand

  • TOFU, MOFU, BOFU Explained

  • Putting it All Together

Let’s Roll 🛼

Happy Monday friend!

Last week we discussed how you should be using your brands’ social media presence to encourage more email sign ups (if you missed it, read it here).

But I wanted to go more in depth on how to actually create a sales funnel that will turn your social media followers into email subs, and ultimately, customers.

Let’s dive into how to create a sales funnel for your brand from top to bottom:

Your sales funnel consists of 3 parts:

1. TOFU: Social Media Strategy

Objective: Attract a broad audience and push for email sign ups.

I always use the term “cast a wide net”. It’s the best way to identify your target audience among the sea of social media doom-scrollers.

Step 1: Know your audience - address common concerns or pain points in the canna community without real brand/product promotion (don’t wanna get banned).

You can do this by creating content around

  • Sustainable canna business practices

  • Addressing common conditions like anxiety/depression and encouraging readers to click the link in your bio for more info

  • Interactive quizzes or games to encourage engagement - interactive content is a win-win; increase engagement and collect customer data at the same time.

Step 2: Analyze - Determine what kind of content is driving the most engagement and action, and double-down. Email sign ups should be your main goal of your social media strategy. STOP TRYING TO SELL ON SOCIAL MEDIA! You’ll just get banned.

Focus on creating emotional connections; consumers are driven to purchase from brands they relate and connect with.

Remember, cannabis consumers are interested in a lot more than just cannabis. It’s important to experiment and find what works for your unique audience.

Transitioning from Follower to Subscriber:

3 ways to encourage more email sign ups:

  1. Exclusive Offers: Subscriber-only discounts/first purchase discounts

  2. Lead Magnets: Free downloads, brand swag, free samples

  3. Seamless Sign Up Process: Make the sign-up process as easy as possible with links directly in your social media bio or posts.

2. MOFU: Email Marketing Engagement

Objective: Nurture leads by providing more specific information about your brand and products.

This is about where we left off last week (and this is my favorite part).

Once they’ve transitioned from follower to subscriber, the real nurturing begins!

MOFU content is for the people who have shown a heightened interest in your brand, and are well on their way to becoming a paying customer. If you’ve been following me for a bit, you’ve hopefully spent time creating a welcome series email flow at the very least!

Making a strong first impression is crucial when you’re one of 20 billion email newsletters on the planet.

But if your welcome email fails to drive that first sale, don’t panic! They just need a lil more push:

The first thing you HAVE to do is segment your new subscribers properly. This can be difficult when you don’t have much data on them yet, but there’s ways to collect data quickly, and easily:

Welcome Surveys: Some people will argue this, but in reality, worse case scenario is they don’t fill it out. Create optional preference surveys at initial sign up that they can fill out if they want to. If they do, great! If they don’t ⬇️

Progressive Profiling: This is when instead of asking your customers all the questions at once, you collect data gradually through email series or more interactive content like quizzes and games. Example: You can add 1 poll question to every email in a 7-email series. Less overwhelming for your audience.

Initial Engagement Tracking: Monitor how new subscribers interact with the first few emails. Track which links they click, what content they engage with, and their open rates.

Once you have them segmented, you can continue the nurturing process.

  • UGC

  • Webinars

  • How-to content

  • Customer stories

  • Expert interviews

  • Educational content

  • Product comparisons

  • More detailed prod. descriptions

This type of content establishes you as a trustworthy brand. Trust is everything in this industry.

3. BOFU: Converting Subscribers to Customers

Objective: Encourage purchases through targeted offers and personalized communications.

At this point in your sales funnel, you should know quite a bit about your customers’ preferences and interests.

BOFU is where all your data collection and research can actually start printing you money.

Because BOFU content is all about personalization and relevancy.

Relevant Deals and Promotions: Offer special deals, bundle discounts, or limited-time offers that are exclusive to your email subscribers. Deals should be created for products that align with the respected segment each customer belongs to (i.e. don’t offer bundle deals on flower to someone who only consumes edibles and canna bevs).

Personalized Recommendations: Based off preference survey answers/engagement, recommend products that align with your customer’s needs or desires. Upsell and cross-sell related products.

In-Store Events: Advertise events being held at your store to your email list, and especially to those BOFU audience members.

Loyalty Program Promos: What’s better than securing an initial sale? Securing repeat purchases and loyal customers! Loyalty programs do just that - retain customers by incentivizing them through a loyalty reward program.

When You’re Ready, Here’s How I Can Help You…

Click HERE to download the High On Marketing Evergreen Templates - 50 pre-written emails tailored for cannabis brands to educate, engage, and encourage action from your audience

Stay on top-of-mind while building a well-informed, loyal customer base.

Get your templates today and have the next 6 months of canna content covered!

⬇️Don’t forget to use your subscriber code for 50% off!⬇️


Let’s Put It All Together…


Use social media to attract your target audience on a large scale. Use entertaining and emotionally-driven content as a daily reminder of your brand. If the quality and consistency of your content is high enough, your followers will naturally start funneling to your email list.


Start nurturing and gathering data on your audience immediately with your welcome series. Continue providing value and nurturing your audience with more details on your brand/products and why you’re better. Customer stories and UGC are great motivators for moving your customer along your sales funnel.


Give your audience that extra little push to make a purchase by making an offer they can’t refuse! Remember, relevancy and personalization can be far more powerful than discounts. Know your audience!

Until next week!


P.S. Have any cannabis marketing related topics you’d like to see covered in High On Marketing? Reply to this email with anything you’re struggling with! I’d be happy to do a full breakdown.