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  • From Inbox to Action: Optimizing CTA’s in Cannabis Email Marketing:

From Inbox to Action: Optimizing CTA’s in Cannabis Email Marketing:

6 tips for creating irresistible CTA's

Welcome to High On Marketing - A weekly newsletter where I show you how to strengthen your email marketing strategy for your cannabis brand. Learn how to nurture your audience, increase retention rates, and sell more weed.

Today’s Email:

  • 6 Tips for Crafting Irresistible CTA’s

  • Real-World Examples of CTA’s That Spark Action

  • What You Can Do Today To Start Getting More Clicks

Let’s Roll 🛼

I got an email the other day from a local dispensary that was promoting a sale on a new type of flower. Typical cannabis content tbh.

There was just one problem:

There was NO CTA! 😱😱

At all. Not even the classic “Shop Now”.

Just letting me know they have this particular flower for sale, and that was it…

Waste of an email imo 🙄

Anyway, that one email encouraged me to write this newsletter😆

I shouldn’t have to tell you what the problem with having no CTA in your emails is; no matter what your email is about, you should be encouraging some type of action for your audience to take next.

So, if you’re a cannabis retailer that ACTUALLY USES CTA’S IN YOUR EMAILS, keep reading.

Here’s 6 tips for crafting irresistible CTA’s that’ll encourage action and drive cannabis sales:

1. Be Clear, Be Bold:

Your CTA is not the place for subtlety. Your call to action is the final piece to your email puzzle; every other element of your email is designed to lead your reader to your CTA.

You’ve already explained why they should care about what you have to say; now show them what step to take next.

They need to know what they’ll get for clicking. The more specific you are, the better:

Example: “Grab Your Exclusive Strain Now!” is far more compelling than “Click Here.”

2. Personalize for Potency:

Personalization is always the answer.

Your entire email should be personalized every step of the way.

I get emails from my local dispensaries all the time trying to get me to stop in for their sale on tinctures; “BOGO Free Tinctures Today Only at {dispensary}!”

I don’t use tinctures. Ever.

Those emails are never opened!

Because they’re sending me completely irrelevant information.

Segment your audience based on:

  • Behavior

  • Location

  • Preferences

  • Purchase history

Great, now they opened your email!

Now hit ‘em with a personalized, RELEVANT CTA:

“Restock Your Favorite Products!”

3. Urgency Without the Pressure:

One of my favorite discussion topics:

Urgency sells, but Gentle Urgency sells more.

Especially in the cannabis industry, where chill vibes reign supreme!

You want your customer’s to know there’s a limited time to receive your offer, but not SCREAM AT THEM to act now.

Create a sense of urgency that encourages quick action without causing stress.

Example: “Last Call to Elevate Your Evening – Offer Ends at Midnight!”

4. Better Action Verbs:

“Shop Now”, “Learn More” = 🥱🥱

Ask yourself this: Why?

Why would they want to shop your products or learn more about your process?

For me, shopping is a hassle, and "Learn More" sounds like a chore (that rhymed).

Either way, these CTA’s don’t resonate with your audience. Sure, they WILL work to get clicks, but would you rather have a CTA that “works”, or a CTA that is irresistible, personalized, relevant, and encourages immediate action?

That’s what Action Verbs can do…

You want to use terminology that paints a picture in your reader’s mind:

  • GET Yours


  • FIND Your Strain

  • EXPLORE Products

  • GRAB Yours Today

  • CLAIM Your Points

All of these CTA’s use curiosity (words like “Explore”), and/or 1st/2nd person POV (replace “Yours” with “My”, or “Mine” to see which works best) to encourage action.

5. Offer Value, Reap Engagement: 

Your CTA should promise something valuable to your customer. How will your customer’s benefit by taking action?

Just as your subject lines use curiosity, personalization, and valuable offers to increase open rates, your CTA’s should use the same tactics to encourage action.

Don’t just list features of your products and expect your customer’s to make the connection in their head of how that product will help them; make that connection for them!

Example: “Learn Insider Growing Tips Now!” offers more value than a generic “Sign Up.”

6. Test, Tweak, Triumph:

I almost didn’t include this section because it’s a given; but you should ALWAYS be refining and improving your CTA’s based on performance data.

A/B testing different CTA texts, colors, and placements can provide valuable insights into what drives your audience to act.

Once you find what is working for your audience, double-down on it!

Test different voicings, action verbs, and styles of CTA’s until you find what’s resonating with your audience.

But remember, only test one element at a time to get the best analytics!

Real-World Examples of 🔥CTA's:

Why it Works:

Words like “Explore” raise curiosity and encourage clicks more than the traditional “Shop Now”. Biospectrum knows💅

Why it Works:

2-for-1 special! MediThrive uses unique action verbs like ‘Snag’, and ‘Grab’ to get the reader’s attention - always using 1st or 2nd person pronouns (You, Your, My, Mine)

Why it Works:

Medterra makes it clear what you’ll get when you click their CTA: $AVINGS!

All 3 of these brands have mastered the art of the CTA; each one is short, descriptive, and uses action verbs to encourage engagement.

**There’s a reason these are 3 of the top brands in our industry😉

What You Can Do Today:

  • Review your recent emails. Are your CTA’s as enticing as they could be?

  • Test different action verbs and POV’s. Analyze any change in number of clicks.

  • Try personalizing one of your regular CTA’s. Note any change in engagement.

  • Design an A/B test for your next campaign with two different CTA’s. Monitor which one ignites more action (pro tip: make the two CTA’s your testing VASTLY different).

Crafting irresistible CTA’s is an art and science.

It requires understanding your audience, experimenting with different techniques, and always seeking to provide value.

With these tips, your CTAs will not just be seen; they'll be felt, remembered, and acted upon.

It may seem like your CTA is just a small piece of the conversion rate puzzle, but it’s crucial in moving your customer along your sales funnel.

By making your CTA's clear, visible, urgent, personalized, and continuously optimized, you can turn your email marketing efforts from mere communication into a powerful tool for driving action!

Happy emailing!

Until next time,


P.S. Noticed an uptick in engagement or sales from a killer CTA? I’m all ears (and eyes). Reply to this email with your success story or any roadblocks you’re encountering. Let’s grow together!